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Welcome to our site! We hope this will help to let everone know whats going on and/or what they missed out on.

Our Mission


Is to lead our brothers and sister to Christ through being the visible until the invisible shows up. We strive to live our lives as Christ would like us to live and even though we will make mistakes (as we are only human) our fellowship with each other coupled with our tendency to give all that we do,see, and strive to be, to Christ; will lead us through our trials and tribulations drawing us closer to our God and making our lives  shining beacon's of light to others.



June 23-27  Vacation Bible school.

Bring your kids, bring your friends, bring your kids' friends and lets all enjoy worshiping the lord together!



Sunday Morning services are at 10 AM and 11:30AM.

Wednesday night service is 7:00 PM.


Any additional services will be announced on our Facebook and on our website.

Latest News

Congratulations to Stephen and Shenay Smith, may you have a blessed and Godly new life together!




Vacations BIble School

June 23-27





Please see Bro. Craig or Bro. Perry for VBS.

PLease see Bro.Eric for Pastor's anniversary.


This Week's Sermon

This weeks sermon was over Philiians 3:21


You better know who/what is speaking into your live.

   1.) You better understand/know who is speaking into your life.

             Acts 10: 10 & 19

              John 14: 2-3

   2.) You've got to die to self daily.

           1st Corinthian 15: 55

   3.)  Are you going through your transformation yet?

          2nd Timonthy 1:12

          Hebrews 2:18

          Jude 24: 17-25

          Ephesians 3:20-21

           Hebrews 7:20-25

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